Tuesday 23 March 2010

After Chemistry Exam !

This picture was taken in the Gym. Phoenix has 6 gyms i think, well around that. They had loads and most of them was unused. Apart from when we had exams, they were all filled up.

This was our last non-uniform day in Phoenix High School. 

This day was really hectic - this was officially our first exam ... CHEMISTRY. Everyone was in all sorts of moods. During the morning literally everyone was revising their guts. Everyone was scattered in the library and science class rooms. The chemistry exam started at 2pm. So as time was creeping by, people started to panic. Whilst everyone was panicking, as usual i was running around being a clown...

Finally, it hit 2 and everyone was taking in as much information as they could. As normal the same people were late. But heyy .. that was the funny part =)

I think the exam was 1 hour or 1 and half hours or 2 hours. So, after the exam, the teachers let us out early but we couldnt leave the school. Which sucked!!!!!! So they literally shoved the whole year in another gym. Majority of the people was signing books and taking pictures while the boys was playing basketball. 

Hence, we come to the picture above. It was like a ritual for everyone to jump into the picture. It started with off with 5 people then all of a sudden there was like a stampede of girls. It was sooo funny. The expressions on everyone's face says it all!!!!!! =)

20th May 2009 was one of the many days i would remember. I wishh i could remember my whole 2 years in Phoenix but unfortunately my brain doesnt hold much :S 

A Message To My Mama !

I think about you every day
For all you have given I can never repay
You are there for me no matter what
You are gentle and kind and that's a fact

I think about the things you do
And wonder sometimes how you pull through
From baby to teenager and now a woman
You have helped me through it all, you always had a plan

I think about the times we share
And I know through it all you always cared
You never once let me down
Through the good and the bad times you were around

I think about the sacrifices you have made
So life could be better, all bills could be paid
I appreciate all you have done for me
Your constant goodness I always see

I think about you mother
In my life you will never be a bother
Your dreams, your plans were put aside
So that I could grow up with pride

I love you always and forever
You are in my thoughts and heart and will leave them never.

Rouge ..

This is an image of a magazine which i made in year 11. This was part of my Media and Ict coursework. I worked really hard on this, after editing it million times, in order to get it to a professional standard. For Media  my best friend done the written work and i done the practical work. This was the way the always done our work. As this is what i do best. There is 14 other pages to this magazine.

I enjoyed making this, it took a month to perfect the front cover. The rest of the magazine is not too great as i spent most of my time working on the front cover.

In Ict and Media i got a distinction for the coursework. The hard work paid off really =)

Thursday 18 March 2010

Powerpuff Girls with Breast :O

When i was a child i would watch the Powerpuff girls and i googled the powepuff girls and found a picture of grown up. The picture shows much the media has changed. This is a childrens program, and now it look like an X rated show. 

Picture taken from Google


I saw these pictures on google and they are absolutely A-MAZ-ING !  

Pictures from google

Tuesday 16 March 2010


I went to the store sat on Santa’s lap.
I asked him to bring my friends all kinds of crap.
He said all you need is to write them a song,
Now you haven’t heard it yet, so don’t try to sing along.
So don’t sing along.
Monica, Monica, have a happy Hanukkah,
I saw Santa Claus, he said “Hello” to Ross.
And please tell Joey, Christmas will be snowy.
And Rachel and chandler…(mumbles)…handler!! 

Love This .... =)

NO comment needs to be said! 

Aww, We all LOVE JOEY 8)

Saturday 13 March 2010

Egyptian Football Team =)

As my mother works in the airport, she met the Egyptian football team, just after they lost the match to England. They were flying back to Egypt.

I don't really know who they are exactly but they belong to the Egypt football team =]

Here are a few snaps...

Pictures taken by my mum (Jaz)
My great camera skills in Chessington World of Adventures. These pictures was taken in the Aquarium. I don't remember the specific date, but it was some time last year 09' =)
I had a goooood day ,!

Pictures taken by me

Thursday 11 March 2010

Chocolate Shoesss !!!

Chocolate Shoesssss >>>> Loooooks veryyyy niceee :)
I would not eat, i would keep them in a box ad keep it as a show piece =]

Image taken from google

Sunday 7 March 2010

Don’t cry because it’s over, Smile because it happened.

Image taken from google


 First time I held a Python. Its was SOOOOOOOOOOOOO coooool :)

Picture is taken from the school fare

Guess !

I LOVE this advert. Its from the Guess Clothing. Super HOT !

I printscreened this image from the Guess website

Young Ones





I CANNOT live without my phone.Its my practically my life. When I don't have it, I feel more lost as I already am !?!#

My current phone is C902!

Image taken by me

Shalu && Priya !

Shes like my other half. I trust her more than anyone. I love her very muchh. 

 The first three images are taken by my famaily and the last image is taken by my cousin Priya

I Love The Smurfs !

I would wake up morning and watch the Smurfs. It was simply the best. Then al of a sudden they stopped showing it, personally i think that was a massive mistake as i miss it. 

Who Remembers Bebo ?

Before Facebook, everyone had Bebo.
People would compete over who had the most loves.

Being apart of Bebo was Cool and Hip =)

I took a Printcreen of the image, off the bebo wesbite 

Last Summer 09'

Last summer, we went to a beach in Bournemouth. We had to get a boat to the beach, there was no-one really there, so we could really walk around naked but that is a bit extreme. It was really windy, so as we was eating we was eating sand as well. Yukk. Didn't taste too great. But i would definitely go there again and I would also recommend it =)

These pictures are taken by my mum

Day Out :)

A day out with Zabiba and Manvir in Westfield. We was there for half a day and we did not buy anything. The day was kind of awkard as I did not see for a long time. But now we are all good friends again. We ate the most horrible Chinese EVER! They made the food beforehand and kept it refrigerated and then put it in the microwave. It was really chewy and not chinese. It was realy prcey as well!!!!!!!


These pictures were taken by all of us, depending on who had the camera
Love is like playing the piano. First you must learn to play by the rules, then you must forget the rules and play from your heart.

Image taken from google

It takes a minute to have a crush on someone, an hour to like someone and a day to love someone but it takes a lifetime to forget someone.

I took a printcreen of this image from a website

Coco Pops And Milk Make A Bowl Full Of Fun

Every kid loves Coco Pops AND the adverts, they were simply the best =)
I still eat Coco Pops everyday. They have now created different adverts for Coco Pops. They have also stopped putting goodies in cereals, that was he only reaon why I would have cereal because of the goodies. 

Picture from google

Charmed Forever !

Once lucky, Twice smart, Three times Charmed
And A Rose Makes Three...
Evil fears them and good magic respects them
The Halliwell sisters were always different...
It a legacy...
They will lose everything. Except each other.
The Power of Three Will Set You Free.
Their mother always told them they were special...

Both images are taken from google

Hubba Hubba ^_^

This Taste Soooooooooooo Nice. Its a Hot Cookie Dough With Vanilla Ice Cream. Everytime I Go Pizza Hut, I ALWAYS Order This =D

I took this image in Pizza Hut

Saturday 6 March 2010

Lady Gaga

This woman is amazing. She is different to all other artist in the music industry, her music and dress sense is different as well. All the clothes she wears is from the late Alexander McQueen.

These images are all taken from google.